If You Own an Older or Historic Home, Mini Ducts May Represent Your Ideal AC Solution.
In years past, older homes confronted a problem in regards to air conditioning. If the owners wanted this luxury, they would first have to install air ducts. This process requires extensive renovations, an intimidating prospect for someone who might appreciate the historical authenticity of their home. The development of mini duct air conditioning has solved this problem, however. At Elite HVAC, we proudly install and service these systems.
A mini duct air conditioner functions in much the same way as a traditional model. Instead of ducts, however, the mini duct AC uses thin, flexible tubes to transport air around your home. It also pushes air through the tubes at an astounding 2,000 feet per second. This compensates for the narrow aperture of a mini duct, and can quickly cool a room to your desired temperature. To learn more or schedule a consultation for mini duct air conditioning in Orange, CA, call us today at (714) 464-6622.
Mini Duct Air Conditioning Solutions

With a Mini Duct AC, Any Home Can Enjoy the Benefits of Cool Air and Comfort.
In the right situation, a mini duct air conditioner can appear like a godsend. A few characteristics help define the advantages these devices can provide.
Lack of Noise: Despite the speed with which it produces air, a mini duct system benefits from quiet design. You will hear no noisome startup procedures, nor face distraction from a loud operational hum.
Fits Anywhere: The predominant benefit for owners of older homes, the ability to fit anywhere distinguishes the mini duct from traditional air conditioners. Flexible tubing allows for a lot of versatility in the installation of these machines, while unobtrusive vents can fit in almost any space.
Minimal Construction: Mini ducts require much less construction when compared to the installation of traditional air ducts. The flexible tubes allow for installation in practically any existent space, including crawl spaces and through walls and ceilings, to reach every room in your house.
For More Info, Call Us Today
Our expert team looks forward to serving anyone with the benefits of a mini duct air conditioner. If you thought that central air conditioning was impossible in your home, give us a call today at (714) 464-6622. As the leading source for mini duct air conditioning in Orange, CA, we will gladly answer your questions or schedule service.