Humidifiers Solve Dryness and Add Moisture to Your Air.
In all likelihood, your heater will perform major service throughout the winter. While this will certainly make your home more comfortable in terms of temperature, it can encourage discomfort from low humidity. Heaters dry out the air, which lowers humidity and can lead to physical symptoms like cracked lips and sore throats. A whole house humidifier solves this issue and allows you to enjoy heat without the consequences.
Elite HVAC stands as your local expert for the installation or service of a whole house humidifier. We have a great deal of esteem for these devices, and wholly appreciate the benefits they bring to a home. Even outside of winter, low humidity outdoors can result in discomfort indoors. To make your home a haven from the drying effects of low humidity, call us for the install of a whole house humidifier in Orange, CA. We remain available for your service at (714) 464-6622.
Why You Need a Whole House Humidifier

A Whole House Humidifier Can Bring the Effects of a Smaller Device to Your Entire Home.
Fewer Symptoms of Illness: Colds, the flu, and allergies can all contribute to discomfort in your throat and respiratory system. Dry air will exacerbate these symptoms to make sore throats and coughs even more uncomfortable. With a humidifier, symptoms become less severe, more manageable, and shorter-lived.
Avoid Illness: We all have a mucous membrane that helps guard our bodies against germs and viruses. In low humidity, this mucous membrane dries out to leave you more susceptible to illness. Many viruses actually survive longer in dry air, which means a humidifier can actually help control the spread of illness in your home along with other air purification methods.
Increased Comfort: As your body dries out from low humidity, you may begin to feel uncomfortable in your own home. This can become especially prevalent in the mornings after you wake for the day. Exposure to dry air while you sleep can lead to cracked lips, nosebleeds, itchy skin, and other issues.
Call Us for Fast Installation
In addition to these health and comfort-related issues, whole house humidifiers can also safeguard delicate possessions and wooden instruments. Dry air can warp and crack vulnerable objects, an unfortunate consequence that’s difficult to fix. If you have questions about humidifiers, give us a call today at (714) 464-6622. For any repair or installation of a whole house humidifier in Orange, CA, trust the team at Elite HVAC.